Long Beach Drunk Driving Accident Lawyers
A Voice for Drunk Driving Accident Victims
A drunk driving accident can happen anytime - weekends, holidays, middle of the night. Surprisingly, many of our clients who were hit by a drunk driver were headed to work in the morning when they were struck. With the easy availability of Uber and Lyft, one would expect a reduction in the number of drunk drivers on the road. Unfortunately, we have not seen that to be the case. If you or a loved one has been injured by a drunk driver, it is vital that you seek assistance from a Long Beach personal injury attorney.
How Common Is Drunk Driving In California?
According to statistics published by the California DMV:
- Over 123,500 people were arrested for DUI in California in 2017
- In 2016 over 11,000 people were convicted of alcohol or drug-related reckless driving
- In 2017 there were nearly 1,300 alcohol-involved crash fatalities; in the same year there were nearly 27,000 alcohol-related crash injuries
- Of the total number of crash fatalities in 2017, over 33% involved alcohol, while nearly 10% of all crash injuries in the same year were alcohol-related
Why Hire a Drunk Driving Accident Attorney in Long Beach
A drunk driver's perceptions are impaired. He or she doesn't have the same instincts that a sober driver has, or the normal reaction time. Due to the impairment, an accident caused by a drunk driver can be much worse than that of a regular car accident. The drunk driver may ram your car from behind or run a red light and T-bone your car accident, or swerve into your lane on the freeway. These unfortunate collisions can result in severe and life-threatening injuries or fatalities. Head-on collisions, which are most likely to cause fatalities, can happen when an impaired driver crosses the center line into oncoming traffic.
Often the impaired driver is young and sometimes even underage, but adults are also guilty of this criminally negligent driving behavior. When an alcohol-impaired driver causes injury to another, it is only fair that the driver takes financial responsibility for all damages. A drunk driver can be forced to pay punitive damages as well. A drunk driving accident lawyer in Long Beach with our firm is fully experienced in preparing a comprehensive claim for compensation based upon the circumstances and degree of injury in your case.
Drunk driving accident victims are entitled to be paid for all harms they have suffered, including medical bills, lost wages, a disrupted life, pain and suffering, disability and other directly related losses. Our legal team takes steps to ensure a client is relieved of stress and worries as much as possible, while we pursue a claim for full compensation. Call McGee, Lerer & Associates to discuss your case with a Long Beach car accident lawyer who can give you the powerful representation which you need and deserve.
Contact a Long Beach Drunk Driving Accident Attorney at our firm for aggressive and skilled representation.

Why Choose McGee, Lerer & Associates?
What Makes Us Different
We have 4 offices in Southern California - Los Angeles, Pasadena, Santa Monica & Long Beach
We can be available nights and weekends and come to you at the hospital or at home.
If we are unsuccessful in our efforts to recover your compensation, you owe nothing. Learn more here.
We take the time to understand all the unique factors of your case to achieve the best results.